Food for thought...

Is it OK to say, `The Nattammai Achuthan visited Chennai last week'?

If you want to include an individual's name with titles like `Queen', `King', `Prime Minister' and `President', then you normally don't use the definite article `the'. For example, we do not say, `The Queen Elizabeth drank coffee'. We can either say, `The Queen drank coffee' or `Queen Elizabeth drank coffee'. Your sentence is therefore wrong. You can either say, `The Nattammai visited Chennai last week' or `Nattammai Achuthan visited Chennai last week.'

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Taste a MARATHON in your Life Time !!

Hi Everyone.. I am really writing this after a very long gap and here I  am gonna to say, How anyone gets benefits of running a marathon.  Now a days most of us knows about the benefits and make use most of it. But still I would like to share my experience of a long run.

 When I started running as part of my routine (i meant 4 days a week) workout for running a marathon, during my first day I couldn't run more than a 0.5 km and I felt body ache, calf muscle cramps, and thought of giving up. But event though I ran few distance on that day, I felt active for rest of the day. Then I came to know that's the way running (magic) works.

Then from that day onwards I found out how running could improves the body metabolism.  Here I am talking about long run/marathon not a small sprint.  You will feel good when the body sweat a lot and it means you are hot :), when you warm up or work out. So the best way to get start is, by slow jog for every day for a stipulated time. By slow jogging you could understand your body to find out how far and how long you could run, so from there you could increase the time and distance.  When you are in the long run, you can feel the adrenaline rush that’s keeps you motivating. That’s test of runners endurance.

When I planned to start the preparation for a marathon, I did not have idea for half/full marathon because the run may mess you up completely, without the proper preparation. So I decided to start from 10 KM and after a 30 days preparation(diet/work out). Diet is one of the primary thing you should really work on it and you anyone can find the right one during the preparation in web. I have completed my Wipro Chennai Marathon by 1:02 minutes and that’s my PB :) (personal best) . There are lot of blogs, training guidelines available in the web and make use of it.

I hope every one in their life time would have a memory of running a marathon.

Monday, January 16, 2012

After a long hiaTuS..

Hi guYs.. AFter a long hiatus i am wrting in my bLoG.. Don't know what to scribble here.. But still something insists me to do.. From now onwards
I knew everyone busy doing their own things , lookin after their own family, always looking hardly whats BIG NEXT ????? It still goes
on from a long time. Even me doin the same .. its the spirit of living...

Not every one But some think about our friends or what they are doing or what they are upto once, in a blue moon... I have noticed abrupt changes
how we have started moving with life .Even i don't know how and why these changes are happening.

I feel good when i was thinking how i was in school and college and all these because of my friends who made it nostalgic moments. But now everyone
at one corner and we are all getting together at some occasions like birhtday , engagement , their sister|borther's marriage ,or sometimes in our friends marriage.

After some years even these won't be possible and don't know how we will be ? But I feel.., will be like before Who knows..

One more thing i wanna share here , this new year i went to OoTy with my school friends those who studied with me from 4th standard.. We stayed in a deep jungle
when thane cycle hits tamilnadu. we all were like frozen monkeys on thaose three days.. those three days are unforgettable.. Most of us are high on all the
three days excpet three of us...

I wish everyone should live life happily ....

Stay in touch is the last thing i could hardly say..

Friday, February 4, 2011

Changes and ME

Changes happening with in me and with my FRIENDS……

In life changes are inevitable. It has been a few months after we completed our college and everyone is busy in their life, but every one of us will be strolling down the memory lane about our college life. We didn’t think these changes would happen in our day to life. If we stop somewhere and look back the past few things looks fine and rough.

Whatever it is we should able to cop up with change and enjoy the gifted life. One by one they are moving far away from me , at that times it feels harder but when I remember the past, how we became friends , what made us friends, those little crazy things made me happy and it makes our relationship more stronger and stronger. Where ever they go, memories will stick to us and it makes us to feel happy, and one fine day we will meet in the journey of life.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happiest day in my life - GUHAN A S

Hi folks,its has been a month and i got my first salary. i am really happy that i am the reason behind my parents happiness. They have struggled a lot for the past 22 years and they were with me and showed me the right path.Now its time for me to take care of them.

Here i want to share something about me and week back we kept a chef to prepare food for upk rockers, but the way she cook was bad. We were far better when compare to her in cooking. So we fired her from upk rockers mahal.Then this week we went for shopping to tnagar and all of us purchased for Diwali. In the meantime i have lost two boxers cost INR 300. This is completely because of my carelessness.

One thing i came to know from this was i have to be more cautious than ever in each step i make in my life.It teaches me a lot. According to me learn from experience better than from anyone else.

Life is meant for living.. pl make use if it... All of us will definitely have some task to do.. Finish it before you leave..

Friday, October 29, 2010

Bugatti in India.. Costliest car in India

The world's most expensive and fastest production car has gone on sale in India, with luxury manufacturer Bugatti making its debut in the land of rickshaws.

The Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport, which has a top speed of 407 kilometres (250 miles) an hour, went on display in a car dealership in the capital New Delhi on Thursday priced at 160 million rupees (3.6 million dollars).

Just 150 of the cars will be sold worldwide, though there will be few opportunites for the car to show its performance on India's potholed and notoriously congested roads.

"India is the hub of luxury, the country of the erstwhile Maharajas, who were the
true patrons of bespoke luxury," Bugatti executive Julius Kruta said in a statement, referring to India's former hereditary rulers.

"We have in the past received a heartening response from our valued customers and I think the launch of the Bugatti in India will truly delight our discerning audience."

A host of Western luxury car and motorbike manufacturers are targeting the Indian market where the fast-developing economy is minting new multi-millionaires every year.

Shortcomings in public infrastructure are a major constraint on growth, however, and the nation's road network often features poorly maintained single-lane routes outside highly congested urban areas.

One of the country's best-known fast-car enthusiasts, superstar cricket batsman Sachin Tendulkar, beats the traffic by taking his Ferrari out in the early hours of the morning in his home town of Mumbai.

Iconic motorbike maker Harley-Davidson is the most recent major brand to bet on India's elite and has invested in a glitzy showroom in New Delhi, which opened in July.

India has a record 69 billionaires, with 17 new members added to the exclusive club this year, according to business magazine Forbes.

But some 836 million Indians also live on less than 20 rupees (45 cents) a day, according to a government report, while Indian statistics on health, infant mortality, malnutrition and income are worse than those for sub-Saharan Africa.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Rajni at HIMALAYAS...

He is REAL hero in Real life too.... have a look this folks...

Rajini's simplicity now its shown to all over the world. Here some snaps took by our friends when they around him.It shows how he is in real life.

He says , meditation is my strength and achieved many things through that. It helps him a lot. He is a common man and he is always down to earth.He is boon to world of cinemas.

Simplicity is the key achieve great heights.. The way he walks , talks and making fun in their way of acting is awesome.No one can replace rajini in the cine industry.

There are many good things to learn from him. Many can say his age restricts him to act effectively but when he is in front of the screen, every screen itself sees him with different style.

Here we go with some photos that we took during his journey towards to the Great Himalayas along with his friends..

Wednesday, October 20, 2010